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Protection Services

It's important that you consider the impact and consequences that your death or your suffering from critical illness or life-changing injury might have on the people closest to you. The aim of protection insurance is to provide financial security to your financial dependents as a result of tragedy, or in the case of an employer, to offer peace of mind to your employees.

Life Insurance

The death of a breadwinner can bankrupt a family. Life insurance pays out either a lump sum or a regular income on death (via Family Income Benefit), thus providing a financial safety net for your loved ones. This money can then be used to clear debts, such as an ongoing mortgage, as well as fund everyday living.

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Critical Illness Cover

Everyone is at risk of contracting a critical illness which typically is a strain to the entire family. This is amplified when faced with a situation when one is no longer able to generate a regular income, especially when there can be additional medical costs over and above the mortgage and other day to day living expenses. A critical illness policy will make a lump sum payment on diagnosis of pre-defined “critical” illnesses, serious conditions or injuries.

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Income Protection

When faced with a serious illness or injury, many people are unable to continue working and earning an income. This creates additional stress at an already difficult time in one's life. A percentage of your income can be protected with Income Protection Cover. When your income is important, it's certainly worth protecting.

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Family Income Benefit

Will your family be able to cope if they suddenly lost your monthly income? Family Income Benefit policies are designed to pay a regular, fixed, tax-free income on the death of the insured (rather than a lump sum) until the end of the policy term.

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Relevant Life Cover

Providing peace of mind for your staff will be of benefit to both them and your business. A tax efficient relevant life plan can help to attract and retain the best people. This in turn can help your business thrive.

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